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Food packaging: the importance to be noticed

Food packaging is the essence of food branding. It all comes to the saying - "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" Marketing-wise, it doesn't. In less philosophical terms, if no one knows about your product, odds are it will gather dust on the shelves. Let’s face it: each year, 95% of new products fail[1]. The reason is simple: customers don't make informed choices based on comparative analysis. They take a decision on the spot and shop with their eyes first. Simply put, whoever said "don't judge a book by its cover" didn't know anything about sales.

As of today, 1.72% of American consumers say that the design of a product's packaging influences their purchase decisions. 67% find a product more attractive if it comes in paper or carton packaging. 49% are willing to pay a little more when that’s the case[2]. Also, 61% say they are much more likely to repeat a purchase if premium packaging was used[3]. In short, packaging makes the difference. But why?

It’s all about the journey. According to a Bain & Company studY[4], 60 to 80% of customers do not go back to the same business even if they were satisfied in the first place. What does that tell us? That satisfaction is not the end-all be-all of customer experience. The "a-ha!" moment is the key[5]. A recent UCLA study found that most people can't remember the logos of brands they see every day[6]. Information overload is the new normal: when everyone’s competing for attention, your product must be memorable at first sight. A Purple Cow, so to speak[7]. Starting with packaging.

In terms of shelf impact, the most powerful element at play is colour. A lot goes into colour choices. So much so that there's an entire research field called colour psychology that studies how colour can influence emotions. In food & beverage packaging, for instance, it has been demonstrated that colour plays a major part in informing flavour perception[8]. Shape is equally significant and has been seen to have an effect on brand recognition. Indeed, a product’s shape can communicate advantages and disadvantages as well as convey a specific feeling. When properly combined, shape and colour can trigger an impulse buy and even leave a mark on the consumer.

Aseptic carton packaging: flashier colours, many more shapes

A distinctive trait of carton packaging is its wide surface area. In fact, while different materials are limited in the number of shapes they can be moulded into, aseptic carton packaging offers many possibilities, and, consequently, plenty of room for branding. Because of this, it provides an edge over the competition. Stunning visuals are paramount for brand awareness, and the broader the space, the flashier the visual. Thanks to aseptic carton packaging, food & beverage manufacturers are finally free to pick whatever colour they prefer, without being forced into a small range of options because of more restrictive packaging materials. Indeed, for alternative materials such as glass or PET HDPE plastic the only available surface area for branding comes from labels or sleeves. Because of this, alternative materials are inherently less colourful, and thus, less eye-catching than aseptic carton packaging.

Also worth mentioning, aseptic carton packaging is ideal in terms of ergonomics. Since they are tall and tight, as it's the case with SuperSlim, or because of their peculiar shape, aseptic carton packages are simply easier to handle.

SuperSlim aseptic packaging: maximizing visibility while reducing product volume

Green Way

Among IPI’s latest innovation in food & beverage packaging there is SuperSlim, a slender aseptic carton package with very high shelf impact, being taller and more streamlined than other carton bricks with equal capacity. SuperSlim is designed to be noticed. It has a better volume to surface area ratio than other packages, and thus it gives the impression of a package with equal volume. Also, for the same volume, SuperSlim’s front side has a much broader surface area than any other bricks on the market. For all these reasons, SuperSlim bricks are the first thing that meets the eye on a crowded shelf. Icing on the cake, the height and rectangular shape with straight edges make SuperSlim bricks ergonomic and easy to handle for all ages.

Another distinctive trait of IPI's bricks is the absence of soldering on the upper part of the package - a unique characteristic that makes Twist Cap one of the most appreciated by consumers, providing an optimal drinking experience. 

Taller, simpler, impactful, SuperSlim is ideal for premium products - not only family-size, but also single-portion packs, where its cap and lean shape make the aseptic carton charming and comfortable, in all its simplicity. As a matter of fact, SuperSlim is the packaging of choice for niche and leading manufacturers alike, such as Rugani, operating in the dairy & beverage business.

Shelf Superslim

In conclusion, SuperSlim has all the pieces to make the difference on the shelves: a high-impact shape, an unrivalled height, easy ergonomics, the broadest surface area the market can offer, and, on top of this, an unmistakable premium feel.

For more information on aseptic carton packaging and SuperSlim carton packaging, contact us.

[1] Source:Forbes
[2] Source:Ipsos
[3] Source:Dotcom Distribution
[4] Source:Forbes
[5] According to P&G, the first moment of truth (FMOT), also called “a-ah!” moment, occurs within the first 3-7 seconds of encountering a product at the store shelf, and it determines which brands are chosen and which are not.
[7] Renowned American author and marketing guru Seth Godin has used the phrase "Purple Cow" to express the idea that a product that is not in itself unique and somehow remarkable - like a Purple Cow - is unlikely to sell, however good its advertising.
[8] Shankar MU, Levitan CA, Prescott J, Spence C (2009-04-28). "The Influence of Color and Label Information on Flavor Perception"
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