Juice and wine in aseptic carton packaging – the success case of Sole LLC, start-up Liberian company

Juice and wine in aseptic carton packaging – the success case of Sole LLC, start-up Liberian company

When a company is facing initial start-up stages and just beginning to take its first steps in the world of beverage manufacturing, knowing how to spot its own needs and make proper business requests is not easy at all. However, Sole LLC, a newly born juice and wine manufacturer based in Liberia, had clear ideas since the beginning.

This article will thoroughly explain how IPI’s 40 years of well-known and well-oiled experience in the liquid food industry helped Sole to unlock its full potential and unleash ever more new, exciting business opportunities.

That of Sole is the first installation for IPI in Liberia, that has now joined the growing group of African countries in which the Italian company operates.

Juice, wine, and aseptic bricks – the long-life goal

Sole LLC is a juice and non-carbonated beverage manufacturer based in Liberia, on the West African coast.

The start-up company first became acquainted with IPI in 2021, when it was looking for the most suitable packaging solution for its products. IPI, leading Italian company in the aseptic packaging industry, happened to be just the right fit to the customer’s needs and requirements.

With a rich portfolio of wine and juices – ranging from mango and orange to pineapple, coconut and tropical flavors – Sole was in need of efficient and reliable packaging and filling solutions, that would make it possible to safely provide and distribute its good, healthy, nutritious, and tasteful products, all year around.

Juice and wine in aseptic carton packaging - the success case of Sole LLC, start-up Liberian company

Here is where aseptic packaging comes handy. Aseptic carton bricks can indeed be used to efficiently pack a wide range of different liquid food products, such as UHT milk and other dairy products, as well as pasteurized juices.

Moreover, aseptic packaging does cut the need for preservatives and refrigeration: this can indeed be detected as the true key to the success of aseptic carton bricks, which are especially useful in those countries that still experience some kind of lack in cold chain infrastructures and logistics, making it hard to safely distribute fresh food products of any kind.

Aseptic filling and sealing treatments, alongside aseptic carton bricks, greatly extend products’ shelf life, providing high quality and low microbiological risk, as well as significant efficiency from a logistics and storing point of view.

IPI’s response to Sole needs – NSA EVO and 1000-ml Slim brick

IPI has been a long-time provider of full aseptic systems in the aseptic roll-fed packaging of liquid foods industry.

With over 40-years of experience, the company responses managed to meet Sole LLC demand, thus allowing to promptly and quickly move from the client’s quotation request to the actual delivery and installation of an entire aseptic packaging line, which turned out to be perfectly consistent with Sole production needs; all in all, the whole “time to market” development strategy took less than a year!

In particular, after a careful but quick evaluation, the Liberian company chose an NSA EVO aseptic packaging line for the 1000-ml Slim brick with Twist cap. In fact, NSA EVO, IPI’s most popular roll-fed aseptic filling machine, was the right fit to the customer’s requirements, starting from the production volume, which was perfect for Sole.

Juice and wine in aseptic carton packaging - the success case of Sole LLC, start-up Liberian company

Being the result of a continuous improvement process, NSA EVO is also a reliable, innovative, user-friendly and low investment solution: the overall Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is very low and competitive from an economic standpoint, thanks to minimal maintenance costs and utility consumption, which allows NSA EVO to perfectly meet the needs of any type of company such as SMEs and start-ups.

Furthermore, NSA EVO is an ultra-compact and ergonomic filling machine, which can easily fit in large and small production plants as well.

IPI complete aseptic systems do come in with a rich portfolio of support tools to help the customer with all the complex activities related to the installation and startup of production of the line, thus providing on-site as well as remote technical support, when needed. This is immensely useful, especially in times of COVID-19 pandemic, which forced a relevant shift to online support activities.

The 1000-ml Slim aseptic carton, paired with the one-step opening Twist cap, provided Sole with the much-desired long-life brick, and allowed the customer to further extend the shelf life of its delicious and tasty products.

Customer statement

“We had chosen IPI from a short list for a number of factors. They are a proven, reliable and a long-term supplier who always make it possible to deliver in a short period of time”, says the Customer.

"We wanted to guarantee healthy and nutritious products to the end consumers and IPI's aseptic packaging has proved to maintain all the properties of the product, ensuring high quality products with optimal taste. IPI offered guidance through every step, and has been always available to support and provide solutions throughout the planning and implementation phase."

"Thanks to our on-site team and IPI's dedication and commitment, the entire aseptic filling and packaging project was a true success. We look forward to working with them again!"

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