IPI achieves FSSC 22000 certification
Food safety is a growing concern which has a large impact on final consumers and business. For this reason, IPI srl has worked in the last twelve months to achieve FSSC 22000 certification (Food Safety System Certification), which is based on the existing internationally recognized standard ISO 22000 and ISO/TS 22002-4 (specific for packaging) and additional requirements. The system is designed to help organizations to establish and continuously monitor and improve a Food Safety Management System (FSM), as well as good manufacturing practices.
The FSSC 22000 provides a framework for effectively managing food safety responsibilities and is a proof of a solid and operative food safety management system in place, thus meeting the requirements of regulations, food business clients and consumers.
Among the several FSM Systems, FSSC 22000 is one of the most comprehensive since:
- it is fully based on the international, independent standards ISO22000 and ISO/TS 22002-4 with sector specific technical specifications for Prerequisite Programs (PRPs) and additional scheme requirements;
- it is fully recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI);
- it allows the integration of Food Safety Management with other management systems, such as environmental management, sustainability and Health and Safety;
- it increases transparency throughout the food supply chain;
- it incorporates many of the principles of other GFSI recognized Food Safety Standards and combines them in one single approach.